DAN DA DAN follows Momo, a high school girl from a family of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult freak. The two of them start talking after Momo rescues Okarun from getting bullied. However, an argument ensues between them – Momo believes in ghosts but denies aliens, and Okarun believes in aliens but denies ghosts. To make the mutual deniers believe in each other, Momo goes to an abandoned hospital known for its UFO sightings, and Okarun goes to a tunnel that is said to be haunted. In each place, they encounter overwhelming paranormal activity that transcends comprehension. Amid these predicaments, Momo awakens her hidden power and Okarun gains the power of a curse to challenge the paranormal forces! Their fateful love begins as well!?

The story of the occult battle and adolescence starts!

Based on the popular manga by Yukinobu Tatsu, DAN DA DAN is an electrifying, action-packed love letter to sci-fi and horror with the heart of a ruthlessly funny teen rom-com. The directorial debut from Fuga Yamashiro is the latest series from cutting-edge animation studio Science SARU (The Colors Within, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off) with pulse-pounding original music from kensuke ushio (Chainsaw Man).

See the first 3 episodes on the big screen w/ special bonus content!

Anime | Not Rated | 1h 23m



Fri 9/13 – 7pm
Sat 9/14 – 3pm
Sun 9/15 – 3pm


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Movie Ticket: Dan Da Dan: First Encounter
Show receipt at box office for entry.
$ 10.00
Discount Movie Ticket: Dan Da Dan: First Encounter (Seniors 55+, Military, First Responders, and Students)
Show receipt and ID at box office for entry.
$ 8.00