Through collage and fibers, I explore the idea of being drawn into other worlds, often abstract idealized recreations of the past. Miniature in scale, and created with vintage magazines and repurposed fabrics, a nostalgic quality is always present. My work is a visual representation of a desire to retreat from the noise, demands, and pace of life.
I find inspiration in the work of the Rococo artists, as well as the small worlds that intrigued me as a child—ceramic miniatures carefully placed in their cases or the crystalized perfection of the inside of an easter egg. I love quiet beautiful spaces, made more precious by their size.
My work is created through slow and deliberate acts, one stitch at a time, one small scrap of paper adjusted in an almost imperceptible way. These works are an escape, mixed with a longing for what was and an acknowledgment of the beauty still to be found in what lies ahead.