Astro American is a new virtual art show hosted by GoggleWorks Center for the Arts as a way to promote local, young, and talented artists. GoggleWorks has chosen to be a facilitator of change and has collaborated with studio artist Chris Tanis to curate an exhibition that provides a platform for local artists to express themselves about what’s going on in the world. All artists from throughout Berks County were invited to participate. We asked artists to submit works that express feelings about current social issues and events, personal experiences or expressions of identity, or that relate in some way to their interpretation of the theme “Astro American.”
“After years of systemic racism, economical tyranny and unjust laws, it seems the world has had an awakening. Since the tragic murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers, creative outlets worldwide are stepping up to help Black people and those of color who fight the same oppression. “Astro American” will give young artists of color the chance to have their ideas and statements seen on a large scale by fellow artists and art lovers across the globe. What is an Astro American you ask? It’s anyone born after the moon landing that spends their life following the stars… ”
– Chris Tanis, GoggleWorks Studio Artist