GoggleWorks Center for the Arts is proud to host the culminating show for the “Art the Block” creative series in their premier Cohen Galleries. “Art the Block” has focused on providing a safe creative space for the community every Wednesday this summer on South Fourth Street. This culminating exhibition will celebrate marquee artists who have spent the summer developing signature works. Work by community participants will also be displayed alongside the main exhibition to celebrate their creative growth from their  summer efforts.

Brad Waples and the team at Custom It AFS have spent every Wednesday evening, from 5:30-7:30, providing the space and materials for artists to gather, paint, collaborate, and critique each other. The vibrant happening often features, music, digital art, pop-up performances by Rize or the yells of support from a passing car. This community event represents the celebration of all things creative in this neighborhood hotspot and the creative momentum in Reading.

Reception and Community Celebration: Friday, November 12th 6-8pm


Stop by the gallery to enjoy this exhibition!